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NodeJS + Restify and MongoDB API test server

LukasJ Server

This repository is part of the LukasJ project aiming to develop a RESTfulserver exchanging data through token authorization with a client.

The server is developed with NodeJs, JWT, Restify interfacing a MongoDB database

Development Architecture

The image below shows the development and testing architecture where both the client and server have been developed


Server configuration

The local parameters for the server configuration, IP adress, port etc. are all included in the config.js file

module.exports = {
    name: 'LukasJ-JWT',
    version: '0.0.2',
    JWT_SECRET  : 'jwt-secret-token-generator',
    env: process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development',
    port: process.env.PORT || 3000,
    base_url: process.env.BASE_URL || 'http://localhost:3000',
    db: {
        uri: 'mongodb://',

Version History

1.0.1 Server implementation with database access (two collections)

1.0.2 Implementation of the JWT token

Server Test


The server Restful endpoints have been tested with Postman. The documented tests APIs calls are available on the public Postman project documentation

Server Running

The server is launched with the command node LukasJ.js When the server is running provides an informational session log to the console.


Database Notes


The server is connected to a MongoDB databse storing data through the protected endpoints. The actual version include the following collections:

Note: the actual 1.0.2 server version does not implement the Projects collection endpoints