
3D Printer Filament Dispenser and Monitor

Communicates with your serial USB port with any USB connected device with this motorised version of the filament dispenser.

3D render design



Micro Controller Platform: The 3D Printer filament dispenser software can work on Arduino and the Infineon XMC 1100 Arduino compatible board (that works better and faster).

DC Motor Shield: The DC motor is controlled by the Infineon TLE97112LE DC Motor controller shield for Arduino

Motor: Motion if actuated by a McLennan brushed DC Motor, DC 12 V

Sensor: The weight sensor is a max 5Kg inexpensive load sensor connected to an AD amplifier board based on the HX711 IC, specialised for load cells control.

Filament base: The filament base assemble the load cell sensor holding the MX711 AD filter acting as the support for the filament Roll. The base has four rotating bearings to reduce noise and friction.


Application note


This software is also compatible with the non-motorised verson of the filament roll monitor and dispenser superseeding the previous version. To use the sketch without the motor just ‘<#undef _USE_MOTOR>’ in filament.h

The system in action
